Things To Consider While Making Bulk Orders For Customised Name Badges

Customised name badges are highly desired these days, both among large and small companies. It’s now clear for all that these badges are highly useful for all. However, it’s certain that not all these companies understand how to design these in the most optimised fashion. Following tips can be a handy guide for those up for designing name badges for their company.


Needless is to say how much importance hygiene carries for organisations in modern times. In this context, it is extremely important to ensure that the concerned company uses hygiene materials for designing customised name badges. To be specific, acrylic is the most preferred material as far as hygiene is concerned in modern times. The best part about these materials is the ease of wiping or cleaning that these provide for the user. Be it about restaurants or industrial sectors; these badges can be signs everywhere.

Advance fastening technique

It is important to ensure that the badge maker follows advanced fastening technique. The best part about these techniques is that here magnet is used for ensuring that the clothes don’t get damaged easily.  


Fundamental aspects like readability should never be ignored. Make sure that the engraving is done with perfection, enabling everyone to have clarity about what’s written over the badge. At the same time, it also needs to be ensured that the engraving doesn’t affect the overall look of the badge. Typing should not be too small; neither should it be too fancy that can’t be read.

Fix the destination/purpose

One can be successful in anything he/she does if there remains proper clarity regarding the purpose behind it. The same rule is applicable as far as customised badges are concerned. It means one needs to sort it out whether the badge has to be designed for a conference, for employees of an office, or for a retail shop, etc. Customisation can be strategized better when there is better clarity about the purpose.         

Must convey desired purpose well

A name badge is meant for conveying the targeted audience or customer about something. Hence, make sure that the design makes it conveyed perfectly as desired. This aspect matters for the larger companies the most. For example, an MNC is conducting a conference where CEOs of its different branches from different nations take part with a different responsibility. Hence the name badge should be designed accordingly, ensuring that the organiser identifies each of them individually.

Deadline, budget

Name badges are certainly not meant to be designed for one or a couple of pieces. Rather, these are essential to be manufactured in bulk. It means one needs to have clarity about a couple of most important factors-budget, and time of delivery. It’s absolutely important to ensure that the concerned badge manufacturer can deliver before stipulated deadline. Suppose one needs 20k badges for a conference, and the conference date is already fixed. Hence, it’s important to ensure that the designer is capable of delivering the requisite amounts before the stipulated date of conference, of avoiding an embarrassing occasion.

Similar is the case about cost as well. Evidently, a number of online platforms for customised badges has significantly grown in modern times. Thus, instead of believing whatever someone claims, it is suggested to research the price aspect from multiple sources and cracks the best deal. When it comes about name badges, it’s not always true that the costliest is the best. Many highly reputed designers are there who deliver bulk orders of badges at significantly low cost.

Those who are in search of a reliable house for designing customised badges of best quality, and in bulk quantity within a given deadline, then Badge Store can be a perfect recommendation. For more information, Contact us!


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